STCW Refresher Course / Refresher Training  (authorized by BG Verkehr)



Basic Safety (2 days):                             320,00€

Survival Craft (1 day):                            160,00€

Advanced Fire Fighting (1 day):           160,00€


Package price:   (4 days)                    580,00€



Basic Safety (2 days):                             350,00€

Survival Craft (1 day):                            200,00€

Advanced Fire Fighting (1 day):           200,00€


Package price:   (4 days)                    700,00€




The Manila Agreement, which came into force on 01/01/2012, includes the implementation of regular STCW refresher courses. It is therefore necessary that every 5 years after the issue, the STCW courses such as basic safety training, proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats and advanced fire-fighting must be refreshed.

The extension of Certificates of Competency depends on the validity of the Documentary Evidences.

If possible, a STCW refresher course should include several safety courses such as basic safety, proficieny in survival craft and advanced fire fighting.




  • valid ID
  • valid certificate of fitness for service at sea (Medical Certificate)
  • STCW certificates (certificates of proficiency)
- Basic Safety Training (BST)
- Survival craft and rescue boat (SCARB)
- Advanced fire-fighting (ADFF)
The original documents must be submitted at the beginning of the course.


  • Basic Safety Training        - 2 days (Monday and Tuesday)
  • Survival Craft                     - 1 day (Wednesday)
  • Advanved Fire Fighting    - 1 Tag ( Thursday)


  • Certificate of attendance "Documentary Evidence" with a validity of 5 years                                                                                                           (the certificates of proficiency are retained and do not have to be exchanged)